Data-Driven Computational Science
Here is a non-exhaustive list of collaborators that we have had the pleasure of collaborating with in the past and the present.
Former students and group members
- Helin Gong (PhD 2015-18, now Associate Prof. at Shanghai Jiao Tong U.)
- Felipe Galarce (PhD 2017-21, now Assistant Prof.~at U. Chile)
- Joubine Aghili (postdoc 2019-20, now Associate Prof.~at Strasbourg U.)
- Minh Hieu Do (postdoc 2020-22, now Research Engineer at CEA)
- Agustin Somacal (PhD 2020-24, now postdoc at Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
Collaborators from academia
- Peter Binev (University of South Carolina)
- Albert Cohen (Sorbonne University)
- Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH)
- Ron DeVore (Texas AM)
- Virginie Ehrlacher (Ecole des Ponts)
- Jean Feydy (Inria)
- Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (Inria)
- Diane Guignard (Ottawa University)
- Harsha Hutridurga (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
- Damiano Lombardi (Inria)
- Yvon Maday (Sorbonne University)
- James Nichols (Australian National University)
- Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
- Anthony Patera (MIT)
- Francesco Salvarani (Pavia University)
- Francois-Xavier Vialard (Gustave Eiffel University)
Collaborators from industry and national labs
- Jean-Philippe Argaud (EDF)
- Anne-Marie Baudron (CEA)
- Bertrand Bouriquet (EDF)
- Guillaume Enchéry (IFPEN)
- Jean-Jacques Lautard (CEA)
- Francois Madiot (CEA)